Stay tuned for updates on the EMBO Workshop "CELLULAR MATTERS: A deeper Look into the Complex Cytoplasm" that will take place at Monte Verità, Ascona (CH), May 18-22, 2025 on the external page EMBO Website.
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Link to the previous edition
CELLULAR MATTERS Conference 2023: Properties, Functions & Applications of Bio-Condensates.
- Regulation of the physico-chemical properties of the cytoplas
- Influence of cytoplasm properties on proteome dynamics
- Physical principles of bio-condensate formation and function
- The emerging properties of bio-condensates and their functional relevance
- The emerging properties of the cytoskeleton
- How to measure and model the cytoplasmic properties
- From the cytoplasm to a new generation of materials
external page Charlotte AUMEIER
Cytoskeleton Bio-chemistry & -physics
University of Geneva, CH
external page Stefano BO
Biological Physics & Soft Matter
King's College London, UK
external page Giulia Laura CELORA
Mathematical Biology
University College London, UK
external page Fred CHANG
Cell Growth, Shape and Size
University of California San Francisco, US
external page Ashutosh CHILKOTI
Biomolecular Materials & Biointerfaces
Duke University, US
external page Eric DUFRESNE
Soft and Living Materials
Cornell University, US
external page James FERRELL
Cell Cycle
Stanford University, US
external page Amy GLADFELTER
Cell Organization in Time & Space
The University of North Carolina, US
external page Alex HOLEHOUSE
Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics
Washington University in Sr. Louis, US
external page Frank JÜLICHER
Theory of Biological Systems and Processes
Max-Planck-Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, DE
external page Sophie MARTIN
Spatial Organization of Cells
University of Geneva, CH
external page Timothy MITCHISON
Effect of metabolism, cell size and shape, and pharmacological cues on the mechanism of cell division
Harvard Univesrity, US
external page Diana MITREA
Therapeutic Applications of Bio-Molecular Condensates
Dewpoint Therapeutics, US
Cell Size & Cell Homeostasis
ETH Zurich, CH
external page Seungeun OH
Single-Cell Regulation of Protein and Lipid Mass, Volume, and Density
UC San Diego, US
Structural Systems Biology
ETH Zurich, CH
external page Matthieu PIEL
Systems Biology of Cell Polarity & Cell Division
Curie Institute, FR
external page Dora TANG
Dynamic Protocellular Systems
Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics, DE
external page Alexandra TAYAR
Self-Assembly of Active, Biologically Inspired Materials
Weizmann Institute of Science, IL
external page Julie THERIOT
Mechanics and Dynamics of Cell Self-Organization and Movement
University of Washington, US

Cell Size & Homeostasis
ETH Zurich, CH

external page Charlotte AUMEIER
Cytoskeleton Bio-chemistry & -physics
Univ. Geneva, CH

Theoretical Soft and Living Matter Physics
ETH Zurich, CH

external page Matthieu PIEL
Systems Biology of Cell Polarity & Cell Division
Institut Curie, FR