Non-specific adhesive forces between filaments and membraneless organelles

Thomas J. Böddeker, Kathryn A. Rosowski, Doris Berchtold, Leonidas Emmanouilidis, Yaning Han, Frédéric H. T. Allain, Robert W. Style, Lucas Pelkmans, and Eric R. Dufresne. Nature Physics (2022), 18, 571–578.
Whi3 mnemon association with endoplasmic reticulum membranes confines the memory of deceptive courtship to the yeast mother cell

Yasmin Lau, Henry Patrick Oamen, Marcel Grogg, Iuliia Parfenova, Juha Saarikangas, Robin Hannay, Richard Alan Nichols, Donald Hilvert, Yves Barral, Fabrice Caudron. Current Biology (2022), 32, (5), P963-974.E7