Integrative solution structure of PTBP1-IRES complex reveals strong compaction and ordering with residual conformational flexibility

Georg Dorn, Christoph Gmeiner, Tebbe de Vries, Emil Dedic, Mihajlo Novakovic, Fred F. Damberger, Christophe Maris, Esteban Finol, Chris P. Sarnowski, Joachim Kohlbrecher, Timothy J. Welsh, Sreenath Bolisetty, Raffaele Mezzenga, Ruedi Aebersold, Alexander Leitner, Maxim Yulikov, Gunnar Jeschke, Frédéric H.-T. Allain. Nature Communications 14, 6429 (2023).
Surface passivation method for the super-repellence of aqueous macromolecular condensates

Andrea Testa, Hendrik T. Spanke, Etienne Jambon-Puillet, Mohammad Yasir, Yanxia Feng, Andreas M. Küffner, Paolo Arosio, Eric R. Dufresne, Robert W. Style, and Aleksander A. Rebane. Langmuir 39, 14626–14637 (2023).
The interface of condensates of the hnRNPA1 low-complexity domain promotes formation of amyloid fibrils

Miriam Linsenmeier, Lenka Faltova, Chiara Morelli, Umberto Capasso Palmiero, Charlotte Seiffert, Andreas M. Küffner, Dorothea Pinotsi, Jiangtao Zhou, Raffaele Mezzenga & Paolo Arosio. Nature Chemistry 15, 1340–1349 (2023).
Global analysis of aging-related protein structural changes uncovers enzyme polymerization-based control of longevity

Jurgita Paukštytė, Rosa María López Cabezas, Yuehan Feng, Kai Tong, Daniela Schnyder, Ellinoora Elomaa, Pavlina Gregorova, Matteo Doudin, Meeri Särkkä, Jesse Sarameri, Alice Lippi, Helena Vihinen, Juhana Juutila, Anni Nieminen, Petri Törönen, Liisa Holm, Eija Jokitalo, Anita Krisko, Juha Huiskonen, L. Peter Sarin, Ville Hietakangas, Paola Picotti, Yves Barral, Juha Saarikangas. Molecular Cell 83 (18) 3360-3376.e11 (2023).
bioRxiv PREPRINT: On the pH-dependence of α-synuclein amyloid polymorphism and the role of secondary nucleation in seeding experiments

Lukas Frey, Dhiman Ghosh, Bilal M. Qureshi, David Rhyner, Ricardo Guerrero-Ferreira, Aditya Pokharna, Witek Kwiatkowski, Tetjana Serdiuk, Paola Picotti, Roland Riek, Jason Greenwald