3 BML PIs awarded an SNSF Advanced Grant!
The whole BML congratulates Ulrike Kutay, Kartsen Weis and Helma Wennemers, for their success in securing an SNSF Advanced Grant.

Ulrike Kutay and Karsten Weis, both from the D-BIOL/Institute of Biochemistry have been awarded advanced grants for a project entitled "Mechanisms governing nuclear proteostasis in mammalian cells" and "SIROP - Stress-induced re-organization through phase separation in physiology, ageing and disease", respectively. Helma Wennermers from D-CHAB/Laboratory of Organic Chemistry instead for a project entitled "Chemical Tools for Monitoring and Targeting Collagen Cross-linking". Each project has been awarded almost 2.2 MCHF and will run for 5 years.
The SNSF Advanced Grants have been launched by SNSF on the Swiss government's bahalf following Switzerland's non-association to Horizon Europe as of 2021. These grants are aimed at researchers who orignally intended to apply for an ERC Advanced Grant.