BML News
Congrats Raluca & Kirsten!

Raluca Groza has been awarded an EMBO long-term postdoctoral fellowship to study how local protein translation regulates mitochondrial dynamics in neurons during aging in the Kleele Lab. Kirsten Bomblies has been awarded an SNSF Advanced grant to study "The evolution of meiotic chromosome pairing in polyploids". We wish them a lot of success!
Congrats Dr. Chavan

Our warmest congratulations to Ankita Chavan (Jagannathani Lab) on her thesis defense and best wishes for her future.
The Luo Group joins BML!

A warm welcome to the Luo Group: Another great addition to BML and the first from the PSI - Division of Biology and Chemistry!
Cook the Science makes headlines

An article on "Cook the Science" Lecture Series organized by Thomas Michaels has appeared on the first page of the Tages Anzeiger on 30.10.2024 and on "10 vor 10" news of the Swiss television SRF on 06.12.2024.
Congrats to Alumna Gea Cereghetti, the recipient of the 2024 Lopez-Loreta Prize!

Gea received 1MEUR to realize her research on "Antibiotic Resistance Solutions" by the Fondation Jean-Jacques et Felicia Lopez-Loreta pour excellence académique. BML congratulates her and wishes her a great success!
Congrats Dr. Vainio and Dr. Marulli!

Our warmest congratulations to Veera Vainio (Kroschewski Lab) and Cathy Marulli (Picotti Lab) on their thesis defenses and best wishes for their future.
Three new Labs join BML: Welcome!

BML welcomes Xiaohua Qin from the Institute for Biomechanics (D-HEST), Michelle Frei from the Laboratory from the Laboratory of Organic Chemistry (D-CHAB), and Peter Fischer from the Institute of Food, Nutrition and Health (D-HEST) who have joined BML in the past four months.
Congrats to Kirsten and Thomas for their joint grant!

Kirsten and Thomas have secured from SNSF 1,293,110 CHF in fundings for their joint project "Problems and solutions: theory and experiments to understand why pollen tube tip-growth fails in polyploids, and how to fix it" that will run 01.01.2025 – 31.12.2028.
Public Lecture Series: "Cook the Science"

The public lecture series at ETH Zurich on the science of cooking is off to a great start: The first three appointments will feature famous chefs and food producers including Rebecca Clopath (Biohof Taratsch), Jens Jung (John Baker) and Markus Stöckle (Restaurant Rosi).
Public Tour: "Die Magie lebendiger Materialien"

On Oct. 1st BML organized a tour for the general public on the topic of condensates. The tour entintled "Die Magie lebendinger Materialien" (in German) was part of the Fall 2024 ETH Public tour series and has been very well received by the public.
Public Tour: "Die Magie lebendiger Materialien"

BML is happy to share its research with the general public with a tour on "The magic of living materials" (in German only) that will take place on October 1st at 18:15 at the Hönggerberg Campus.
Congrats to Marina Kunzi: the best poster BML Day Prize winner

On June 13th, in occasion of the BML Day, we had a poster session with 30 contributions of great quality: it was very difficult to decide which one should be awarded a prize but at the end the public vote decided to award it to Marina Kunzi (Neurohr Group) for her poster entitled "How is Intracellular Density Regulated?".

The BML Day on 13.06 2024 with ~70 BML scientists, ~10 from ETHZ at large and 4 externals participants has seen oral and poster presentations with ~40 contributions.
Cook the Science

Starting in Fall 2024, an innovative public lecture series will see renowned chefs and ETH Zurich's finest scientists collaborate to unravel the fascinating science behind everyday cooking.
Thomas Michaels partecipates in the show "Il Giardino di Albert" on RSI.

Thomas partecipates in the show "Il Giardino di Albert" by the Radio della Svizzera Italiana (RSI) and talks about "La Fisica della Vita" (Physics of Life).
Congratulations, Dr. Elsässer!

Franziska Elsässer (Picotti Lab) successfully defended her PhD thesis entitled "Proteome-wide, in situ structural analysis of dynamic protein assemblies" on February 29th. BML congratulates her and wishes her all the best for her future career!
Congratulations to Miriam and Hamed for receiving the 2023 ETHZ Outastanding Doctoral Thesis Medal!

BML extends its warmest congratulations to two of its former junior members, Dr. Miriam Linsenmeier (Arosio Lab) and Dr. Hamed Almohammadi (Mezzenga Lab), for receiving the 2023 ETHZ Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Medal!
BML welcomes Stepahnie Weber!

BML welcomes Stephanie Crane Weber, an Associate Professor in Biology at McGill University, that will be a visiting professor for the next 6 months in the Barral Lab. Steph is particularly interested in the regulation of ribosome biogenesis, structure and function of the nucleolus.
The Bomblies Group joins BML!

A warm welcome to the Bomblies Group: Another great addition to BML this time from the D-BIOL/Institute of Molecular Plant Biology!
Congratulations, Dr. Bianco!

Eliana Bianco (Peter Lab) successfully defended her PhD thesis entitled "Molecular mechanisms balancing ribosome biogenesis and degradation" on November 30th. BML congratulates her and wishes her all the best for her future career!
Congratulations Tatjana, for being awarded a 2023 Starting Grant!

Tatjana Kleele (D-BIOL) is one of the 2023 SNSF Starting Grant awardees. Her project entitled "The role of mitochondrial biogenesis and quality control for cell fate decision and neuronal homeostasis" will run from 01.01.2024 to 31.12.2028 and has been awarded 1'681'437 CHF: well done!
Congratulations to Helma for receiving the 2023 Golden Owl Prize for teaching!

The Golden Owl honours lecturers who have provided exceptional teaching and motivates them to continue with their excellent teaching. The Owl is awarded by the VSETH, ETH Zurich’s students association.
Welcome to BML to the Leitner Lab!
Alexander Laitner from the Institute of Molecular Systems Biology (D-BIOL) at ETHZ joins BML. The Leitner group uses different cross-linking methods in combination with mass spectrometric analysis to learn about the structural organization of protein and protein-RNA complexes. Cross-linking can provide important spatial information that can be combined with other experimental and computational methods in integrative structural biology.
5th BML Semi Annual Meeting

Another great BML day long meeting took place on 06.10.2023 with a great line-up of invited speakers: Charlotte Aumeier (Uni. GE), Francesco Stellacci (EPFL), Sophie Martin (Uni. GE) and Guillaume Salbreux (Uni. GE).
Congratulations to Paola Picotti promoted to Full Professor of Molecular Systems Biology!

At its meeting of 20 and 21 September 2023 and upon application of Joël Mesot, President of ETH Zurich, the ETH Board promoted Paola, a "founding member" of BML from Associate Professor as Full Professor of Molecular Systems Biology in the Department of Biology. Our warmest congratulations for a well deserved promotion!
Congrats to BML Alumnus, Dr. Hamed Almohammadi!

Dr. Hamed Almohammadi, BML alumnus, and former member of the Mezzenga Lab, is the recipient a SNSF Postdoc.Mobility fellowship for his postdoctoral work in the Aizenberg Research Group at Harvard.
Congrats to BML Alumnus, Dr. Sandro Meier!

Dr. Sandro Meier, BML alumnus, and former member of the Barral Lab, is the recipient of both a SNSF Postdoc.Mobility and EMBO fellowship for his postdoctoral work in the Jarosz Lab at Stanford University.
Congratulations to Anastasiia for receiving a BIF Fellowship!

Anastasiia Kovalenko (Peter Lab) has received a Böhringer Ingelheim Fonds fellowship to carry out her PhD project entitled "Novel approaches to identify and characterize reversible protein amyloids under stress conditions". She expects to find conserved principles regulating functional amyloid formation and disassembly, which may offer crucial insight into the mechanisms underlying neurodegenerative diseases.
Double Congratulations to BML Alumna, Dr. Gea Cereghetti!

Dr. Gea Cereghetti, BML alumna, and former member of the Peter Lab, is the recipient of the SAIS (Society of the Italian Academics in Switzerland) prize for the best doctoral thesis in the fiel of Life Sciences and of the prestigious EMBO fellowship for her postdoctoral work in the Knowles Lab at the University of Cambridge.
Goodbye to the Dufresne Lab

The Dufresne lab is relocating to Cornell and we are really sad to see Eric and part of his group leaving, but we wish them all the best in their future endevours! We are also very happy that Gianna and Rob have decided to remain at ETHZ and thus in BML!
Congrats to Chiara & Dorota!

Chiara Morelli (Arosio Lab) and Dorota Pfizenmaier (Peter Lab) win the best poster prize at the Cellular Matters Conference that took place in June in Ascona.
Congrats, Dr. Nguyen!

On May 11th, Cristina Nguyen successfully defended her PhD thesis entitled "Hybrid method for studying dynamic conformational ensemble of multidomain proteins: SRSF1 tandem RRMs in the free and bound states". The whole BML congratulates her and wishes her all the best for her future endevors!
Congrats to Prof. Paolo Arosio for being promoted to Associate Professor!

At its meeting of 8 and 9 March and upon application of Joël Mesot, President of ETH Zurich, the ETH Board promoted Paolo Arosio to Associate Professor of Biochemical Engineering in the Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences.
BML welcomes the Kleele group!

Another fantastic addition to the BML ranks: Tatjana Kleele, an Assistant Professor, in the department of Biology/Institute of Biochemistry.
Congratulations Dr. Meier!

On January 20th, Sandro Meier (Barral Group) successfully defended his PhD thesis entitled "The Role of +Tip Phase Separation on Budding Yeast Microtubule Function". The whole BML congratulates him! He will soon move to the lab of Dan Jarosz in Stanford to work on the role of prions in host-microbiome interactions for his postdoc.
Congrats to Gea for receiving a 2022 ETH medal for her outstanding doctoral thesis!

Gea Cereghetti (Peter Lab) has been awarded the prestigious ETH Medal for her outstanding doctoral thesis entitled "Disorder, Order, and Life: Reversible protein aggregation as a fundamental process in cell physiology".
Congrats Dr. Böddeker!

On December 1st, Thomas Böddeker, succesfully defended his thesis entitled "Physical interactions of membraneless organelles with the cytoskeleton". Tom will soon strat his JSPS short-term postdoc fellowship at the University of Tokyo in the lab of Prof. Sawai and will work on immune cell haptotaxis. BML wishes Tom all the best in his future endevors!
Eric Dufresne elected 2022 APS Fellow

The American Physical Society (APS) has elected Eric as 2022 Fellow "for fundamental insights into the physics of diverse colloidal, polymeric, and biological systems, and the development of experimental methodologies to make, measure, and manipulate these materials."
3rd BML Semi Annual Meeting

Another great BML day long meeting took place on 30.09.2022 with a great line-up of invited speakers: Dirk Goerlich (MPI Goettingen), Daniel Duzdevich (Harvard), Sascha Quanz and Cara Magnabosco (both ETHZ) and our very own Thomas Michaels who has just joined ETHZ & BML.
Thomas Michaels appointed Assistant Professor of Soft and Living Matter Physics!

Thomas will join IBC and BML starting October 1st 2022. Thomas’ research explores complex systems theory in biology using control theory, soft matter physics and computational biology. He has wide-ranging teaching experience and is particularly well-known for his books on mathematical topics.
3 BML PIs awarded an SNSF Advanced Grant!

The whole BML congratulates Ulrike Kutay, Kartsen Weis and Helma Wennemers, for their success in securing an SNSF Advanced Grant.
NEW COURSE!!! Cellular Matters: from Milestones to Open Questions

The BML PIs will offer a new course on BML topics at the Master/PhD level starting Fall 2022.
Congratulations to Katie and Nicolas!

Dr. Kathryn Rosowski and Nicolas Näpflin are the winner of the cross-presentation contest at the 2nd BML semi-annual meeting.
Congratulations to Dr. Linsenmeier!

Dr. Miriam Linsenmeier successufully defended her PhD thesis on 06.04.2022!
BML welcomes Four New Board Members!

Jan Vermant from the Department of Materials (D-MATL) and Helma Wennemers from the Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences (D-CHAB) join the Board of BML together with Madhav Jagannathan and Gabriel Neurohr, both from the Depatment of Biology (D-BIOL), who became BML associates the last November.
Congratulations to Dr. Levasseur!

Dr. Mikail Levasseur successfully defended his doctoral thesis on 16.03.2022!
Congratulations to Dr. Küffner!

Dr. Andreas Küffner successfully defended his doctoral thesis on 15.12.2021.
BML welcomes Madhav Jagannathan and Gabriel Neurohr!

Madhav Jagannathan and Gabriel Neurohr from the Department of Biology (D-BIOL) join BML as associate members!
Congratulations to Dr. Cereghetti!

Dr. Gea Cereghetti successfully defended her doctoral thesis on 05.10.2021.
Congratulations to Aleksander Rebane!

We are delighted to announce that Aleks, a junior BML member and postdoc in the Dufresne Lab at D-MATL, was awarded an Ambizione grant by SNSF.
FACULTY OPENING: Assistant Professorship in "Soft Matter Biology”
A new faculty position at the Assistant Professor level is available in the Department of Biology, Institute of Biochemistry, at ETH. Application deadline: 31.10.2021.
BML welcomes Raffaele Mezzenga!

Raffaele Mezzenga from the Laboratory for Food and Soft Materials (D-HEST) joins the Board of BML.
Congratulations to Karsten Weis!

Karsten Weis, a BML member, has been elected 2021 EMBO Member!
BML Expertise Lunch Lecture Cycle

Do you want to know in more detail what are the expertise available within BML? Do not miss our Lunch Lecture Cycle (open to BML members only) where each Lab will have a chance to present itself and its capabilities.
Symposium on "Advances in Imaging Pathological Protein Assemblies: From molecules to disease models and the human brain"

Congratulations to Paola Picotti and Roland Riek!
Demixing the cell: how cells channel and store signaling information

Yves Barral, member and spokesperson of BML, is a co-Editor of the April themed Issue of Current Opinion in Cell Biology on "Cell Signalling".
BML PIs' Kick-Off Meeting

The BML PIs meet online to discuss the present & future of the Consortium
Congratulations to Yves Barral & Eric Dufresne!

The year is off to a good start with a joint SNF Sinergia grant to two members of the BML!
Ever wondered how to measure the surface tension of small droplets?

A new BML collaborative work by the Allain, Barral and Dufresne Laboratories explains how.
Congratulations to Paolo Arosio!

Paolo Arosio, a BML member, has been awarded a 2020 ERC Consolidator Grant.