Public Tour: "Die Magie lebendiger Materialien"
On Oct. 1st BML organized a tour for the general public on the topic of condensates. The tour entintled "Die Magie lebendinger Materialien" (in German) was part of the Fall 2024 ETH Public tour series and has been very well received by the public.

Find out more on the ETH Public Tours website.
On Tuesday Oct. 1st at 18:15 we had the first public tour organized by BML as part of the Fall 2024 ETH public tour series and entitled “Die Magie lebendiger Materialien”.
The program for the general public (in German) lasted ~ 1hr and saw an introduction to the topic of condensates by Prof. Thomas Michaels and then the group (limited to 20 people - but the tour was overbooked) was split in 2 and they visited in rotation two microscope stations: one material-focused with Florence Stoffel (Arosio group) showing LLPS in vitro and fibrils and the other biology-focused where Janka Zsok (Weis group) showed stress-induced p granules formation.
A big round of applause and thank you go to Thomas, Florence and Janka for the wonderful job. Of course we are grateful to other people who contributed ideas and time behind the scenes: Zak Hale (Michaels group), SungSik Lee (ScopeM & IBC), Chiara Morelli (Arosio group), Julien Reimer (ETH public tours) and Grazia Gonella (BML).
BML is planning to propose the tour again in the future.
More information on the ETH Public Tours website.