Congratulations to Dr. Küffner!
Dr. Andreas Küffner successfully defended his doctoral thesis on 15.12.2021.
BML welcomes Madhav Jagannathan and Gabriel Neurohr!
Madhav Jagannathan and Gabriel Neurohr from the Department of Biology (D-BIOL) join BML as associate members!
Congratulations to Dr. Cereghetti!
Dr. Gea Cereghetti successfully defended her doctoral thesis on 05.10.2021.
Congratulations to Aleksander Rebane!
We are delighted to announce that Aleks, a junior BML member and postdoc in the Dufresne Lab at D-MATL, was awarded an Ambizione grant by SNSF.
FACULTY OPENING: Assistant Professorship in "Soft Matter Biology”
A new faculty position at the Assistant Professor level is available in the Department of Biology, Institute of Biochemistry, at ETH. Application deadline: 31.10.2021.
BML welcomes Raffaele Mezzenga!
Raffaele Mezzenga from the Laboratory for Food and Soft Materials (D-HEST) joins the Board of BML.
Congratulations to Karsten Weis!
Karsten Weis, a BML member, has been elected 2021 EMBO Member!
BML Expertise Lunch Lecture Cycle
Do you want to know in more detail what are the expertise available within BML? Do not miss our Lunch Lecture Cycle (open to BML members only) where each Lab will have a chance to present itself and its capabilities.
Symposium on "Advances in Imaging Pathological Protein Assemblies: From molecules to disease models and the human brain"
Congratulations to Paola Picotti and Roland Riek!
Demixing the cell: how cells channel and store signaling information
Yves Barral, member and spokesperson of BML, is a co-Editor of the April themed Issue of Current Opinion in Cell Biology on "Cell Signalling".
BML PIs' Kick-Off Meeting
The BML PIs meet online to discuss the present & future of the Consortium
Congratulations to Yves Barral & Eric Dufresne!
The year is off to a good start with a joint SNF Sinergia grant to two members of the BML!